The word “Cyber” is related to the use of electronic goods, computer appliances or networks etc. And the use of electronic goods and computer appliances is increasing day by day.
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Any kind of work is going to be performed in electronic gadgets like mobile phones, computer appliances etc.
Besides their use, misuse is also going on with the electronic gadgets. Many fraudulent and dangerous transactions are going on with the use of those electronic gadgets.
For controlling those happenings, cyber laws came into existence. So let’s go with the details and scope of Cyber Law Course.

About Cyber-Law
Cyber-Laws are also known as Internet Laws. Various Cyber Laws came into existence due to various crimes taking place using internet, information technology etc. This is due to misuse of computer appliances and electronic gadgets mainly. Cyber laws came into existence to control cyber crimes which involve criminal activities like theft, fraud, forgery or mischief etc. which are subjected under Indian Penal Code. The abuse of computers also gives rise to new types of crimes that are addressed under Information Technology Act, 2000. Let’s look for some of the crimes that are taking place in and around India.
- Making target as computers:
By using computers, they attack other computers using the methods of hacking, virus attacks etc. comes under cyber crime.
- Making computers as a weapon:
Using computer, they commit real world crimes like Cyber Terrorism, Credit card frauds, EFT frauds etc. which comes under cyber crimes.
Cyber-Law Courses
The scope for Cyber Law courses is developed to a great extent. Due to the usage of internet technology in a large scale, the Cyber centres has become place to perform mischievous activities. Cybercrimes involve activities like forgery, fraud, theft etc. Under this context of crimes, the government suggested lawyers be aware of such Cybercrimes and to possess knowledge in the field of Cyber-Laws. Let’s look at various Cyber Law Courses in India.
- Short-term, Specialized Certifications in Cyber Laws.
- B.Tech. Computer Science with Cyber Laws
- M.S. Cyber-Laws & Information Security
- Bachelor of Science in Cyber Security
- Diploma programs in Cyber Laws
- Bachelor of Laws etc.
International Cyber-Law Courses
We can pursue Cyber-Law courses either at the national level or at international level either by distance education or by any other source. International Forensic Sciences (IFS) Department have introduced various Cyber-Law Certification programs through online internationally. People who are interested in pursuing Cyber-Law courses through online can opt for this source. This will be a highly valid certification program of Cyber-Law course through IFS. The courses consist of various Cyber-Law courses like Cyber Forensics, Cyber Crimes, Cyber-Laws and Cyber Security etc. with different modes like short-term or long-term, advanced courses etc. with duration from 3months to 1 year. The Cyber Law Course includes the contents like:
- Cyber Forensics basics, Data Recovery Tools
- Introduction to Encase Forensic Edition
- Recover Swap files / Temporary Files
- Basic Computer Terminology & Ethics
- Introduction to Cyber-Laws & Cybercrimes
- Internet hacking, cracking, virus attacks etc.
- Cyber Forensic Investigation Tools
- Implementing Hardware based Security etc.
Also See: Law Courses after 12th and Graduation
Look down for Cyber-Law course complete details and its career prospectus.
Complete Cyber-Law Course Details
The Cyber-Law Courses consist of course details like duration of courses, eligibility requirements, fee structure, colleges for Cyber-Law Courses etc. come under this category. Let’s make a look over them.
Course’s Duration
The duration for Cyber Laws under bachelor’s degree might be in between 5-6 years whereas for Master courses, it takes 2 years to complete the course. For diploma & some other specialized courses under Cyber- Laws, it takes 1 year to complete the course. For short term courses, it takes 6 months to complete the course.
Eligibility Criteria
The eligibility requirement for Cyber – Law courses is 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics as basic stream and with aggregation of 70%.
Entrance Exams
The candidates who are willing to pursue Cyber-Law course should attend & qualify entrance exam test for pursuing Cyber-Law courses in various institutions. The exam would be conducted in both online & offline (written test) modes. After qualifying in these examinations, candidates might have an interview and the students should qualify in the interview too.
Syllabus for Cyber-Law Courses
The syllabus for Cyber-Law course may vary according to the nature or type of the course. Any type of courses consists of some common topics that come under dealing of cyber crimes. Some of the topics are as follows.
- Internet Architecture & Network Security
- Computer Forensics & Digital Evidences
- Data or Information Cryptography
- Cyber Space Indian Perspectives
- Fundamentals of Cyber-Law
- Intellectual Property Issues
- E-Commerce Legal Issues
- Cyber Crime Laws in India etc.
Fee Structure
The fee structure for Cyber-Law Courses may vary according to nature and types of course the students opted. The fee structures may range in between Rs.10, 000/- to Rs.30, 000/-.
Let’s look for various Cyber-Law courses in various institutions and at various places in India.
- Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU):
Post Graduate Certificate in Cyber Law (PGCCL) is the only Cyber Law course in IGNOU university with the maximum duration of 2 years. There might be evaluation programs, assignments and term end exams in which assignments carry 30% weightage whereas remaining 70% is given for term end exams. The main objective of this program is to develop competencies for dealing with frauds and scams and other cyber crimes that take place by using the internet and also by understanding the relationship between commerce and cyberspace.
- Cyber Law Course in Delhi:
There are two types of Cyber-Law Courses in Delhi viz. L.L.M. in Cyber-Law & Cyber Crime and L.L.B. (Hons.) with specialization in Cyber Laws with B.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering in Guru Gobind Indraprastha University and University of Petroleum & Energy Studies with duration of 6 years respectively.
- Cyber Law Course in Mumbai:
Post-graduate Diploma in Cyber-Law and Information Technology and Diploma in Cyber Law are two Cyber-Law courses available in Government Law College and Mumbai University in Mumbai with duration of 1 month & 6 months respectively.
Jobs Related to Cyber Law Course:
The candidates who pursue or specialize in Cyber-Laws can obtain several job titles such as:
- Cyber Consultants in Police Departments & IT firms
- Techno-Legal Professional in Computer Security
- Research Assistant in Law & Technology firms
- Security Auditors & Network Administrators
- Specialist in Cyber Arbitration
- Cyber Lawyer or Legal Advisor etc.
Salary Packages
The salary packages may be high for lawyers who pursue Cyber-Laws as it is a demanding course in and around India. The professional Cyber lawyer may earn Rs.6 lakhs per annum whereas for a fresher it might be Rs.15,000/- per month.
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